uncommon solutions to common


Frequently asked questions

Where does GerHub/Felt City Tours work?

GerHub collaborates with both the 31st and 43rd khoroos (micro-districts) of Songinokharikhan with community engagement and development projects. Songinokhairkhan itself has a population of 335,703 people and contains one of the biggest ger areas in Ulaanbaatar.

Why are ger areas unseen by visitors?

If the ger areas account for over 80% of the cityscape and are home to over half of Ulaanbaatar’s population, why do very few tourists ever see the ger areas? 



The ger areas are stereotyped as dirty or dangerous places that have no appeal to foreign visitors. Social and infrastructural issues exacerbated by low income levels and inconsistent government support, have overshadowed the positive narrative of cultural heritage maintained by the community. As such, many tour guides and groups do not offer exploration to the ger areas as a travel option. 


Cultural Accessibility

Though Ulaanbaatar is an increasingly globalized city, ger area residents do not have the same level of accessibility to education and outside cultures compared to their inner-city counterparts. As such, the language barrier between ger area residents and foreign tourists make it difficult for tourists to independently interact with residents. 


Physical Accessibility

Above all else, the greatest challenge for tourist accessibility are physical barriers.


Lack of addresses 

Within Mongolia and especially ger areas, addresses are not widely or accurately used. As such, without any established tour or guide, it is difficult for tourists to find or direct local cabs to their destination within the ger areas. Moreover, many street names or landmarks are unmarked on mapping platforms, further exacerbating the issue. 


Limited public transportation

Although there are buses that go to ger areas, the routes do not extend very far and the existing stops have long and inconsistent wait times. Additionally, the Mongolian bus system is difficult to navigate without knowledge of Mongolian. 

How does community-based tourism benefit ger area residents and tourists?

The community-based tourism program backed by GerHub specifically benefits ger area residents by co-creating a business that the community can operate almost completely independently in the long term. GerHub is working hard to build connections and partnerships with professional tour operators and customers to provide the community with the tools to continue hosting visitors for as long as they please. Currently, ger area residents receive 85% of the revenue generated by the tours. As GerHub transfers more and more responsibility to the community, the community share of revenue will only increase. 


On the other hand, visitors have an extremely unique opportunity to explore the ger neighborhoods and share meals and experiences with the community. There are very few tours that go into the ger areas, and even less that empower the residents to become leaders in the venture. Visitors can enjoy the experience knowing that their money is going directly to the families and communities they interact and learn from.

How do I book a tour?

Please refer to this booking request form, where you may select the experience of your choosing. We will confirm the availability of our hosts and get back to you within 1-5 business days.

How do I pay?

Upon submitting the booking request form and confirmation of the tour, customers will receive the total payment amount from GerHub. Payments may be made on the day of the tour in USD or MNT cash. Alternatively, wire transfers from foreign accounts can be arranged upon request.

Is transportation provided?

Transportation is not included in the advertised tour pricing due to varying group sizes. However, GerHub will arrange for transportation upon receiving the number of travelers within your group, and the total payment amount provided by GerHub will include these costs. Please see average transportation costs by group size below:


1-2 people= ~$15 USD total (4 seater car)

3-5 people= ~$45-75 USD total (7 seater van)

5-20 people= ~$50-90 USD total (mini bus)

Where can I go to the bathroom and get water during the tour?

The ger districts are not connected to the central plumbing and water systems of Ulaanbaatar. 


Unless discussed otherwise, all tours will include a visit to GerHub’s community center, the Ger Innovation Hub (GIH). At the GIH, we have a bathroom with a septic tank and a dispenser of fresh, drinkable water. We ask that you please bring your own water bottles as we are in the practice of reducing single-use plastic consumption. 


When visiting households (gers), most families will provide tea or juice. In terms of the bathroom, you are welcome to use their toilet. However, please be aware that most households utilize a pit latrine waste system.

When do tours take place?

Tours take place all year round. You may request your preferred dates in the booking form. Our tours begin between 8-10 am, however, we are flexible to accommodate your schedule. You will receive a detailed itinerary upon confirmation of the tour. 

In the summer months we offer public group tours on the last Thursdays of the month, which include a walking tour and ger visit with lunch. Please see the “Summer Group Tours” page for more information.
