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Summer Group Tours 2024

Summer Group Tours 2024

Not sure which tour to book? Solo traveling? Come join a Summer Group Tour! Throughout the summer we will host public small group tours on the last Thursdays of June, July and August. These tours are a perfect opportunity to meet other travelers and familiarize yourself with the ger areas!

Tours will include a walking tour and ger visit with lunch. To reserve your spot, please fill out the booking form and GerHub will contact you for confirmation.



  • Summer Group Tours are capped at 8 guests per tour
  • Summer Group Tours are not a customizable experience. For a personalized, private tour, please book a separate tour through the booking form
  • Summer Group Tours will not make accommodations for dietary restrictions
  • Summer Group Tours will take place from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, including travel time
  • Please note that the timing of the itinerary is subject to change depending on traffic conditions
  • Bookings will close 5 days prior to the tour date (i.e., May 9 bookings will close on May 4)

Price: $50 USD (including transportation)



June 27

July 25

August 22



9:00-10:00 am- Meet at the GerHub office and commute to the Ger Innovation Hub

10:00-10:30 am- Introductions and preparation at the Ger Innovation Hub

10:30-11:15 am- Walking tour

11:15-11:30 am- Commute to household (ger)

11:30-12:30 pm- Ger visit and lunch

12:30-1:30 pm- commute from ger areas to the GerHub office
