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Uncommon solutions to common problems

We work towards finding innovative and creative solutions to some of the most pressing issues in the ger areas of Mongolia.


Who We Are?

GerHub is a mission-driven organization that seeks to find innovative and creative solutions to the most pressing issues in the ger areas of Mongolia. We strive to launch communities into action and empower residents to become innovators and creative problem solvers.

01 | Who We Are?

Our Vision

To be a vibrant and inclusive hub where creativity, collaboration, and innovation converge to address the most pressing urbanization challenges in Mongolia.

Our Mission

To empower sustainable urban transformation in Mongolia, with a dedicated focus on ger area communities.

Where We Work?

We work in the ger areas of Ulaanbaatar city.
The ger areas are composed of both traditional gers and self-built detached houses, but the main identifying factor for the ger areas is that none of the households are connected to the core infrastructure of central heating, running water, or plumbing.

02 | Where We Work?



people out of the total population of the city

of residents in Ulaanbaatar live in ger areas.


More about ger areas

Our Approach

03 | Our Approach

We work in close collaboration with our local and international partners to generate radical solutions, inspire action, and build the capacity of ger area communities.


Community Engagement



04 | Our Pillars

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We nurture creative problem-solvers and collaborative communities.

Social Innovation

We inspire innovative solutions that address social challenges.


We work towards building resilient communities towards climate change.


We enhance public spaces through community engagement and placemaking.

See projects

See projects

See projects

See projects

05 | Our Partners

Our Partners

We partner with leading organizations and top universities both locally and globally to drive impactful projects and initiatives.

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